Friday, July 22, 2011

I Dolomiti III

Next day, our second via ferrata was at the Falzarego Pass, a crucial strategic area during WW I when the Italians were fighting Austrians for control of high ground. The Lagazuoi (La-ga-ZOO-oy) Tunnels, involved hiking up a ton of switchbacks and then climbing the rest of the way inside the mountain through a system of tunnels which were built during the first world war to protect the forces that were guarding the pass. Many side tunnels and rooms still contained equipment and left over materials from those days. Absolutely incredible. Incredible also, was that we old farts were still able to do a five hour climb between 6,700 and 9,000 feet altitude! With rented helmets and our own headlights and harnesses, we climbed an elevation gain of over 2000 feet . Susan and Louise were inspired to stay the course because of the best part ahead: the cable-car ride back down! . The Italian wine and smoked salmon with giant do-it-yourself bocconcini/tomato/greens Insalata Caprese also went down very well as dinner in our rooms. We had now discovered the supermarket and were no longer slaves to over-priced, veggie-challenged dinners.

My favourite mountain flower, Alpine Forget-me-not

 Many switchbacks

Switchbacks done, now for the tunnels

 The tunnels were long.  They took about an hour.

A few "windows "along the way gave us a bit of variety

 The moles emerge

Out on to the ridge

 This tiny flower, less than an inch high, reminded me of Moss Campion

Grandma  on the mountain

Orange lichen about the size of a loonie takes about 100 years to grow this much. 
Long way down 
But here comes our ride, La Funivia

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